A foggy, and very cold, early morning at High Cliff State Park.
A view of the fog covered breakwater at High Cliff Marina.
High Cliff State Park hugs the Eastern shore of Lake Winnebago in Northeast Wisconsin. Not as well known as Peninsula State Park in Door County or Devil's Lake State Park, visitors to High Cliff nonetheless can enjoy unique rock formations and the high cliffs of the Niagra Escarpment from which the park draws its name. Those coming to High Cliff in the Fall will find that the park puts on a color show that is easily the equal of Wisconsin's more famous state parks.
Peninsula State Park is one of the most popular vacation destinations in Wisconsin. It's easy to see why. With miles of scenic roads winding along the shore of Lake Michigan the scenery is spectacular. October is one of the best months to visit the Park with Door County's hardwoods, including white birch and maple, breaking out in vibrant fall color, as seen here along the Shore Road just south of the Eagle Bluff Lighthouse.
Getting ready for the day as dawn breaks over Heckrodt Wetland Reserve, a Canada Goose puts on a show of fluffing its feathers while off camera a female on a nest watches with feigned disinterest.
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