Located in Point Beach State Forest, a few miles north of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, Rawley Point Lighthouse remains a working light on the shore of Lake Michigan. The current tower, constructed of steel, was erected in 1895, but the site has been home to a lighthouse since before the Civil War. Dozens of ships have sunk or been stranded off the shore here, but apparently none since the new lighthouse tower entered operation.
In the middle of one of the two coldest winters experienced in Wisconsin in the last 30 years, it's good to be reminded that the snow will eventually melt and the weather will improve. As a reminder of summer, here two monarch butterflies take a break on blooms in the butterfly garden at Heckrodt Wetland Reserve in Menasha, Wisconsin.
On what turned out to be an unusually warm day in January (meaning the lower 20s F.), horse logging enthusiasts gathered at a farm in Northeast Wisconsin to skid timber from the woods.
The polar vortex got a lot of press over the past few weeks, and for good reason. It was cold. Not the coldest ever along Lake Michigan, but still, respectably cold. The result has been more ice coverage over the big lake than has been seen in years. From the shore, it looks like an infinite expanse of ice. Here, the late afternoon sun streams across the frozen waters along the shore of the Door Peninsula, the shadows cast by the lowering sun accentuating both the rocky shore and the textures of the snow covered ice.
Algoma, Wisconsin is known for its sport fishing fleet that brings anglers to the game fish in Lake Michigan's pristine waters. But, it is also one of the more picturesque towns along the Lakeshore. The light that guards the town's harbor entrance is always a good subject for a photo.
Robert La Salle Park in Southern Door County is a quiet, out of the way place to enjoy nature and the vastness of Lake Michigan. The park is on two levels and in winter is rarely visited. This single Birch overlooking the newly formed ice along the lakeshore seemed to magnify the winter solitude of the park.
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